Dearest Child

My dearest child,

Your mother’s heart can hold it all. 

Your tears 

and your sunlight. 

A magical satchel 

that stretches to help with the burdens 

and lift the hopes 

of your life, 

and your children’s 

and so on until forever.

Something happened when you arrived, 

her soul softened to liquid

and grew strong as steel 

and her arms, 

grown like wings, 

learned to hold you close 

and how to let you go.

About The Sterling LIne

Where does art end and life begin? I don't really see a distinction, but I try to consciously live each moment with enthusiasm, following inspiration where it leads, being open to possibilities and exploring the boundaries of myself, the world I live in and those I meet. Though I attempt to tread softly and respectfully, I often get clumsy, carried away with enthusiasm ... Woman, artist, force of nature and mother... Lives in the SF Bay Area.
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